Manila Manila

Manila, Manila, I keep coming back to Manila.. Simply no place like Manila.. Manila, I'm coming home..

Sometimes, I miss Manila. Specially when I hear news or see pictures about it. I remember the old times. When I was younger. When we used to place on the streets. When we go out and dance in the rain. When I ride the jeepneys and tricycles. When me and the guys wait up the alley and gang up on someone and take their money and cellphone.. -- [O.O] Kidding! -- Good times.. good times..

I never thought there would come a day that I would miss waking up in the morning and eat pan de sal and sinangag, or walking by the bumpy allies and streets, or drinking soda in a plastic bag, or ride the MRT, or just hang out with friends.. I thought those days would never end..

Manila. I grew up in Sampaloc, Manila. I lived in Manila from the day I was born 'til I was 8 years old. We used to live on the 3rd floor of an apartment building. I remember how high our floor was. When I came back to our place in Sampaloc when I was 14, The rails from our terrace was up to my waist, but when I was younger I remember those rails to be taller than me!

But then we moved a lot inside Metro Manila - Quezon City, Mandaluyong City, Makati City, but everywhere is the same in Metro Manila. There's always a lot of things to do. You'll always have good friends. There will always be some drama. There will always be something to eat. There will always be home. [I miss the drama. lol]


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