Why does the Tiger have Stripes?

There's an ancient legend that tells the story. When a tiger cub is born, he doesn't have a single stripe anywhere. In fact, to look at him, he really isn't much of a tiger at all.

Still, the little cub starts to explore and have adventures. He starts to grow, and he starts to learn. He learns courage, and kindness, and how to think for himself. He learns all the things a cub has to learn, if he's really going to be a real tiger, the lord of the jungle.

And as he learns, the legend says, everyone starts to see his stripes. The stripes that are the mark of his maturity, wisdom, and pride.

The way of the Tiger:

A tiger cub who takes a stumble quickly learns to pick himself up and dust himself off.
A cub can feel afraid, it's only natural. That's when he finds the courage to face down his fears.
Everyone wants to know what this cub has to say for himself. He tells them, whenever they'll listen.
A smart cub knows where to find shelter. A kind one makes room and shares it with his friends.
Every creature the curious cub meets is different, everyone unique and fascinating.
This cub enjoys nothing better than making new friends and doing things together.
The tiger begins to see his place in the world. He starts to find out who he is, and see all he might do.
Growing stronger, the tiger is proud to be able to help others when they're in danger.
The path of life has many pitfalls. But the tiger is smart, and solves problem ingeniously.
As he's growing up, the tiger gladly care for the younger ones.
Climb higher, go further, achieve more. This is the tiger's creed. He never stops being himself for a moment.
The tiger leads, others follow because they see his strength and wisdom.

Glad to be born on the year of the Tiger. :)


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