Bioshocked Again!

Getting to be a "Big Daddy" is an just awesome. It's like seeing Rapture in another point of view. When I was walking the halls of Rapture, I get this feeling of Nostalgia -- It felt like, nothing can surprise me now. But as I go on with the game I find that Rapture has so much more to offer.

Now that the player is a "Big Daddy" you are now to protect [or not] the little sisters from harm, and harvest as much adam as you can [or not]. But the Big sisters are on the way, including a new antagonist, Sophia Lamb. Most of the fights are pre-assigned, meaning you know a battle will be commencing in a certain area. This will give you time to prepare for every battle, reload your weapons, restock your items, plant some traps, and save your game. It might sound easy but every harvest is like an ambush. Like a bunch of splicers, big daddies, and big sisters all up to get you.

About the controls and the gameplay, being able to dual wielding is much better than the first Bioshock. The weapons and plasmid upgrades are just excellent. Being able to combine plasmids to make powerful traps is just so cool.

But I must say, this game would be nothing if the Bioshock is not as good. Story-wise, i think the original Bioshock offers a lot more twists and ideas. Bioshock 2 lacks freshness and complexity. But all-in-all it is a pretty good game. Replayability is above average. Thanks to 2K for the experience.

"For every choice, there is an echo. With each act, we change the world." - Sophia Lamb
"Love is a chemical, no matter what the origin. We give it meaning by choice." - Eleanor Lamb

The Missing Piece and The Big O

The Missing Piece is one of my favorite stories of all time. It was written by Shel Silverstein and was published as a children's picture book in 1976. It's a story about a piece's adventures in finding that piece that would make us complete. Do we really need another piece who will complete us? And when do you know if you found the perfect piece? Do we always have to have the answers to all our questions?

The Missing Piece Meets the Big O is another storybook by Shel Silverstein published in 1981. I think it was a sequel to The Missing Piece. The story is about finding yourself and knowing what you really want. Sometimes you can find the answers when you just stop and listen to yourself. Sometimes, we have the answers we've been looking for all along.

Me and You..

I love this song by Alanis Morissette titled Everything. It really tells much about me and how I take things. It's saying like, If you want to love me, you must accept everything about me. The good, the bad, the past, the present, what i have and don't have.. everything.. I can't change the way I am that easily.. This is what I call unconditional love, you know.. If you love me this way, I will do the same. :) Take me, or leave me.. simple.

Everything - Alanis Morissette

I can be an asshole of the grandest kind...
I can withhold like it's going out of style..
I can be the moodiest baby..
and you've never met anyone who's as negative as I am sometimes..

I am the wisest guy you've ever met..
I am the kindest soul with whom you've connected..
I have the bravest heart that you've ever seen..
And you've never met anyone who's as positive as I am sometimes..

I blame everyone else, not my own partaking..
My passive-aggressiveness can be devastating..
I'm terrified and mistrusting..
And you've never met anyone as closed down as I am sometimes.

What I resist, persists, and speaks louder than I know..
What I resist, you love, no matter how low or high I go..

I'm the funniest guy you've ever known..
I am the dullest guy you've ever known..
I'm the most gorgeous guy you've ever known..
And you've never met anyone as, as everything as I am sometimes..

You see everything, you see every part,
You see all my light and you love my dark,
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed,
There's not anything to which you can't relate..
And you're still here..
And you're still here..
And you're still here...

My Early Suppressed Memories..

I can't believe how sad it feels being left alone..
It's sad to see people who became part of your life..
It's sadder to see them happy.. without you in their lives..

It made me think how much things would change if I never existed at all..
I bet things would be so much happier for everyone..

And you try to cheer yourself up..
But it hurts inside.. like a wound that won't fucking close..

I remember these thoughts.. I had them since I was a child..
I never really felt I belonged to anyone when I was a kid..
My grandfather would always tell everyone that I don't belong to the family..
That I'm a mistake.. a disgrace.. a no one..
I remember he would hurt me..
I remember him punching, hitting me..
I remember he slammed a chair on me and broke..

My mom would sometimes get in a fight with my grandfather..
But mostly, I would just run away to a corner and cry..
My dad was never there.. I didn't even know he existed..

I kept thinking that I am not a real son..
I thought I was adopted.. Iba talaga kapag anak ka sa labas..
I thought about running away or killing myself..

I guess this is the reason why I didn't get to be "Astigin" when I was a kid..
I isolated myself.. most of the people I grew up with became strong..
most of them have families now..
I never want them to ever see me again..

Anyway.. right now, the saddest part of all is..
The people that once made things easier..
The people I shared my life with..
They already forgot about me.. Suppressed.. the memories..
It's like nothing ever happened..

Thanks for the memories though..
I hope we never get to see each other again..
And if ever we did.. I hope not to remember..


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